Where Catchers Are Built
Complete Catchers Camp
Colorado Catchers Complete Catchers Camp is offered annually in Denver Metro area. This weekend long camp covers all aspects of playing the catching position. We limit the number of participants to ensure a good player to coach ratio (7:1 or less)
Aspects of the catching position we address in our Complete Catchers Camp:
Feedback From Previous Complete Catchers Camps
"I thought it was great to see all these drills with focus on the catching position"
"The camp is the best one I put my boy through"
"In depth instruction. Wish it were longer."
"Everything was great. Great mixture in the coaches and their approaches."
"This was a great camp. The amount of instruction and knowledge my boys gained was great. We will definitely be attending again."
"You run a great program. My son has said a number of times, 'Rex is my catching coach".
"You covered so much in two days - we really appreciated the gear fitting, all the coaches knowledge/enthusiasm and how organized/professional the entire process was."
"All of it was great for (my son) and just what he has been needing. He really liked the discussion of leadership/mental game and the notebook and used those immediately. Very cool!"

Camp Cancelation Policy:
Cancelations will be provided a full refund (minus a $15 cancelation fee) if made outside of 7 days prior to the catching camp. Any cancelation made within 7 days of the start of the camp will only be provided 50% refund.
We can provide the Complete Catchers Camp in your area!
If you are interested in hosting a Complete Catchers Camp, please contact us